Kropka FAQ
What is included in our House Plan Set

ARCHON+ house plans are created with passion by the best professionals. Each house plan is made in accordance with current polish standards and the building law requirements.  

Our House Plan Set includes:

Projekty domów ARCHON+     House Plan Set contains 4 copies of architectural and construction project documentation.

Each of them consists:
- architectural design
- structural design
- plan of interior sanitary, heating and gas systems
- plan of interior electrical system

ARCHON+ means much more than just a house plan!

With ARCHON+ house plan you can order a range of attractive extras, which will not only help you to adapt the project to your requirements, but also provide convenience and comfort solutions to your future home.

Projekt ogrzewania podłogowego pompy ciepła oraz kominka z płaszczem wodnym Underfloor Heating , Heat Pump and Fireplace
with Water Jacket Plan
Projekt Instalacji inteligentny Dom Installation Plan "INTELLIGENT HOME"
Projekt Instalacji Solarnej Solar System Plan
Projekt Wentylacji Mechanicznej i Ogrzewania Kominkowego Mechanical Ventilation and Heating Plan
Projekt Instalacji Teletechnicznych Telecommunication System Plan
Pakiet Energooszczedny Energy Efficient Package
Projekt Ogodu Zimowego Winter Garden Plan
Projekt Szamba Septic Tank  Plan