Nearly each investor, who is considering building a home, ask themselves a lot of questions concerning not only formal but also construction matters.
In our Guide, you can find a lot of useful information which will help you acquire a building permit. You will also learn how to build an intelligent, energy efficient and safe house. What is more, the Guide presents interesting articles and answers the questions frequently asked by our Clients.
We strongly encourage you to get familiar with our Investor’s Guide and we hope that it will be helpful in choosing your perfect house plan.
>> Why is it worth to choose ARCHON+ House Plan?
>> What is included in our House Plan Set
>> Architect advises, how to choose a house plan
>> Adjust a house plan to your needs
>> Check the originality of house plan
>> How easily you can change the style of your house? ARCHON+ Design Stylist
>> A very good decision
>> Houses you love ...from the inside
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investor’s guide